Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Why good health care and well-being should be a human right - by RBL

Hello my argument in this blog will be to show why good healthcare and well-being should be a human right in the United States. I have written this essay for a class called social development goals. These goals were made by the United Nations and were meant to be hit by 2030 My main guiding question is how does the United States health care compare to health care around the world? In this assignment I was trying to answer why the cost of healthcare is meant to be paid and how the total amount compares to other countries.

I'll start off by asking you a simple question, "What are the biggest health issues around the world?" Of course there is the coronavirus that is spreading by storm and killing 3 to 6 thousand people per day around the world. Other health issues like heart disease, cancer, and other common diseases have also been taking the lives of many around the world. I believe that good health and well-being should be a human right because lots of people are dying daily from things like covid, cancer, and many other diseases. People who are poor have less access to good health care, this means they are disproportionately dying from these different diseases. In this blog we'll explore how other countries are handling this issue and see if we can pick up on their strategies. 

"Mending a Broken Heart" by Free Grunge Textures - is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Because people don’t have good healthcare, it’s leading to lot’s of deaths around the world not just from the coronavirus, but from many other harmful diseases.  The goal of healthcare falls in Maslow's hierarchy in the area of safety. It’s important that these needs of safety are met first before moving on to love and belonging. This shows that these needs are very important  because if you don’t have them you won’t be able to become your full self. You see if you don’t fill this need, it will impact your ability to do a  job, and take care of your basic needs. This might cause you to not be financially stable and will make it hard for you to keep your home and order things like groceries, technology, and other things you would want for your family.

Compared to other countries  the United States spent about $11,100 per person on healthcare, compared to Switzerland,  second highest-spending country with about $7,700 in healthcare in the world. Healthcare is a need for all people and it should't have to be paid for by individuals and shouldn't be as expensive. An article about healthcare by states that "the United States' health care system operates differently from many others in the world, with high costs for the individual as a main, distinguishing characteristic. In fact, the higher prices mean the U.S. spends more on health care than other 'developed countries' a 2019 Johns Hopkins report found."

"Technosynchrocity @ Blogger - Dr. House or Dr. Crowd - Needle" by eshedg is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Something that could be done to fulfill this need is that the United states can pay for health care to make it easier for more people to get it. The government can make a system for health care so people don’t have to pay for it themselves. Compared to other countries, the U.S. ranks 15th for the best public health care. Even though they put in the most money compared to other countries, they don’t offer health care for free and make people pay for health care themselves. A response to this was written by the World Population Review which states that, "Healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illness, injury, disease, and other physical or mental impairments. Healthcare includes dentistry, psychology, nursing, medicine, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and more. Access to healthcare varies across countries, municipalities, and individuals and is largely influenced by economic and social factors." They also state that  healthcare should be seen as a basic human right by many people. Lack of quality healthcare can result in a poor quality of life and lower life expectancy than countries with a stable and accessible healthcare system. Some of the one's rated best are the United KingdomAustralia, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and  Finland.

In conclusion, I believe that good health and well-being should be a human right because lots of people are dying daily from things like covid, cancer, and many other diseases. People who are poor have less access to good health care, this means they are disproportionately dying from these different diseases. We have seen how other countries are handling this issue and are learning if we can pick up on their strategies. Something I learned from doing this project is how much different health care is in the United States compared to other countries. This project wasn't hard for me but was hard to think of a good topic to write about. If I would do something different I would have chosen a different topic to write about. I am most proud of that I'm able to get this project in on time. 

Thank you for viewing and here are my sources:

  • “Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.” Simply Psychology, Simply Psychology, 20 Mar. 2020, 

  • “10 Global Health Issues to Watch in the 2020s.” IntraHealth, 6 Mar. 2020,

  • “How Does the U.S. Healthcare System Compare to Other Countries?” Peter G. Peterson Foundation, 

  • “Countries With the Most Well-Develope
    d Public Health Care Systems.”
    U.S. News & World Report, U.S. News & World Report, 

  • Best Healthcare In The World 2020,

  • TodayShow. “Why Is Health Care so Expensive? 5 Reasons Bills Are Higher in the US.”, 22 Sept. 2020,



Thursday, September 3, 2020

RBL GCE portfolio

Hello! My name is RBL and I’m from Chicago and have lived here for all of my life. This blog and future blogs will be posted as a photo essay. I recently discovered an interest in this topic and I would like to expand on it more. I also chose this topic because I was in an art program over the summer where we took different photos. Because of that, I want to expand on photography and see what other types of images I could create. In this blog, I also want to show different pictures and images that represent who I am.

In this blog I also want to show senses through my photos. I will show senses by getting pictures of these things like murals, foods, and people in my neighborhood. For the most part I have always lived in Chicago ever since I was young. From when I was 3-8 I lived on the west side. From 10 to now I’ve lived in different parts of the south side. One of my most significant memories from Chicago was getting to graduate as my grade’s salutatorian. The most interesting part about it was doing it during the corona virus and doing from a parking lot.  

I live in Bronzeville, the neighborhood is a historic part of Chicago because in the 1920-1950’s there were many riots and many acts of protest in that time. I’ll represent this by showing different images and photos of what those times looked like. There are also a lot of important black people in history who lived In Bronzeville too. Some people who lived in Bronzeville at some point Gwendolyn Brooks, Richard Wright, Louis Armstrong, Bessie Coleman, Ida B Wells, Andrew Foster. 

Here is some of my pictures and other pictures too: 

Image result for Gwendolyn BrooksGwendolyn Brooks

Image result for Richard WrightRichard Wright
Ida B Wells
Image result for Ida B WellsImage result for louis armstrong

Louis Armstrong                    
Image result for Andrew Foster
Andrew foster 
Image result for bessie coleman Bessie ColemanThank You for veiwing and I hope You have a good day!        

Analysis of a War about Nazis and how we fit in

This is my final action project for my class, Policy and for my junior year. This unit was split into two unit those being Execute and Judge...