Friday, June 11, 2021

Homemade or Store bought?

Hello and welcome to my last blog of the year for food for thought. This unit we've talked about so much stuff based around food, for example we got to learn about the production process of the meat industry. It was really disturbing but it was still good to learn the truth about the meat industry. I feel like if more people knew the process behind making meat products I feel like a lot more people wouldn't eat meat all together. Anyway we also got to learn about labels on food and got to analyze the ingredients that are used in everyday things we use or eat in cooking like riboflavin,calcium hydroxide, and Masa Flour. In this action project similar to one I did in my food class where I will be doing a food comparison. Where I'm going to look at homemade food compared to something like food from a restaurant. Now without further to do let's look at the differences

Ever since 1917, mac and cheese has been a classic meal that many adore even today. In this paper we will be looking at two recipes that are used to create such a meal. We’ll also be trying to see which one does the meal more justice. Let's look at the one I made from home.

RBL’s Homemade vegan mac and cheese


  • ⅔ cups of pea milk

  • 2 bags of daiya cheese

  • 3 bags of elbow macaroni

  • ⅓ tablespoon of oil

  • ⅓ tablespoon of salt

  • ⅓ tablespoon of cayenne spice mix 

  • 1 cup of non organic butter 

  • 1 pot 

  • 1 pan 

  • 1 plastic spoon 

  • Metal strainer

You see, with my recipe I usually like to make a cheese sauce and then once I cook my macaroni I slowly add my sauce into it. I mainly use this method because it is usually easier to clean off just a pan of cheese sauce than a pot full of vegan cheese.

Here are my steps if you ever want to make my mac and cheese for yourself:

  1. Make your macaroni 

  • Fill up your cooking pot about 3/4 full of water so your macaroni doesn't fill over when you put it in.  

  • Put your pot on your stove and turn your stove on medium until water boils.

  • Add macaroni stir until macaroni is soft and chewy.

  • When it’s finished turn off the stove and slowly pour water off by pouring your macaroni into a metal strainer. Wear an oven mitt to make sure you don’t get burned from the boiled water.

  • Remove macaroni from the strainer and put into the water-less pot.

  1. The cheese sauce

  • Put the pan onto the stove on medium heat and add your oil into it

  • Next add your butter until the pan starts to simmer

  • Then add your milk seasonings until they start to fluff up

  • Now add your daiya cheese and stir until golden brown

  1. Final touches

  • Now for the last step put your cheese sauce into the macaroni and cheese and stir until ready

  • Taste and enjoy

Final product:

Taste and review:

Well for a start it was a little bit salty because of the salt mix I put into it. Thankfully it wasn’t too salty. My mouth wasn’t covered in salt when I ate it, the other ingredients covered that well. It was pretty pungent, the cayenne pepper mix really added an extra kick to the dish, which made it taste so much better. Maybe one thing that influenced this was the xanthan gum, which would’ve helped to make sure the mac and cheese is thick and creamy. The appearance of the dish still presents a very yellow like color which makes it look a lot more like traditional mac and cheese, even though I made this one with only vegan products. When mixing it up, it was very smooth and felt really satisfying to do. I would definitely say that this is an organic dish because all the ingredients I used in it were organic and vegan based which made the mac and cheese feel healthy in a way, even though it’s not something you should be eating a lot. 

The Restaurant:

For my restaurant I decided to go to one of my local and favorite restaurants in Chicago known as Pearls Place. It’s a restaurant that is right across the street from me. I always like to order something like their liver and onions or a cheese burger. All of their food is very good. If there isn’t something you like on the menu for a day, they also have an all you can eat buffet. So you can always find something at their restaurant. I would recommend not going there on Sundays because since it’s right next to a church a lot of people like to go there once church is done so it’s always busy then. 

Like from what I made from home, I got mac and cheese here as well here’s how it looked:

My thoughts: 

For starters the mac and cheese is really creamy, when it was out of the container it was really creamy and smelled really well baked. It smells a lot like dairy based cheese to me because their mac and cheese is made with dairy cheese. When I moved it around with a spoon it felt really creamy and stayed together a lot better than the mac and cheese I made from home. When I tasted it myself the two main flavors I got were pungent and a little bit salty, but the salty wasn’t overwhelming and you could taste all the parts of the dish. It was made with fresh food because of the fact they used a lot of organic based ingredients in their mac and cheese even though it was dairy based it was made to make sure it tastes great and makes sure that all customers will come running back for seconds.

My final remarks: 

Overall I liked the mac and cheese I made at home a lot more. The main difference between the two is that the one I made from home was completely different from the one I got from my restaurant. Mainly because mine was vegan based and Pearls’ restaurant was made with dairy cheese. Even though I liked my mac and cheese more than Pearls’ mac and cheese I would still recommend Pearl’s mac and cheese over mine. This is because Pearl’s has been cooking really amazing food for many years. Even though mine is better, (in my opinion) I still think it’s very important to support local restaurants especially right now. Thanks for viewing and I hope you have a good day.


Rhodes, J. (2011, March 22). Marvelous Macaroni and Cheese. 

“Pungent.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,

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